Emil Jacobsen
I am a postdoc in Dan Petersen's group at Stockholm University. I conducted my PhD studies under the guidance of Joseph Ayoub at the University of Zürich. Before this, I pursued my master's degree at KTH and Stockholm University, under the mentorship of Wushi Goldring.
Interests: algebraic and arithmetic geometry, motives, Hodge theory, algebraic groups, Tannakian categories, monodromy, fundamental groups, nearby cycles, six functors, …
There's a new version of my preprint arXiv:2205.13073, and it's a pretty substantial update.
I'll be on parental leave between October 2024 and March 2025.
Malcev Completions, Hodge Theory, and Motives. Preprint (arXiv:2205.13073). (Submitted.)
On the Picard-Lefschetz formula. Work in progress, joint with Ran Azouri.
A comparison of categories of Nori motivic sheaves. Work in progress, joint with Luca Terenzi.
Some other things I'm thinking about (ask me if you're interested!):
Towards motivic exodromy. Based on a recent motivic exit-path theorem by Joseph Ayoub.