
During my time in Zürich, my group and I have organised the following reading seminars:

  • Spring 2019: Exponential Motives, following Fresán--Jossen. (Program by Lorenzo Mantovani.)

  • Fall 2019: Prismatic Cohomology, following Bhatt--Scholze. (Program by Christian Dahlhausen.)

  • Spring 2020: Characteristic Cycles, following T. Saito. (Program by Arthur Foray.)

  • Fall 2020: The Beilinson Fibre Square, following Antieau--Mathew--Morrow--Nikolaus. (Program by Maria Yakerson.)

  • Fall 2021: Condensed Mathematics and Analytic Geometry, following Clausen--Scholze. (Program by me.)

I've also participated in two seminars organised by other groups: